Saturday 2 August 2008

Memorial of Eusebius of Caesarea

So who is this Eusebius of Caesarea? According to Wikipedia, he:

- was often called Eusebius Pamphili, "Eusebius [the friend] of Pamphilus"
- was often referred to as the Father of Church History because of his work in recording the history of the early Christian church, especially Chronicle and Ecclesiastical History
was estimated to be born in 265
- became friendly with Pamphilus of Caesarea, with whom he seems to have studied the text of the Bible
- succeeded Agapius to become bishop of Caesarea Maritima soon after 313
- was prominent in the transactions of the Council of Nicaea when it met in 325; the confession that he proposed became the basis of the Nicene Creed
- was involved in the further development of the Arian heresy (the heretical/heterodox teachings of Arius [c. AD 250-336], the most controversial of which dealt with the relationship between God the Father and the person of Jesus, saying that Jesus was not one with the Father and that he was not fully, although almost, divine in nature)
- was remembered for his method of authorship i.e. his comprehensive and careful excerpts from original sources
- probably died between 337 and340 A.D.


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