Monday 18 August 2008

My Thoughts on Today's Bible Readings

I wonder how a man of this age would have answered if God told him that he would lose his dearly beloved wife but is not supposed to mourn her openly? That the losing of his wife is part of a message from God to so-and-so? I bet his reaction would be extremely non-religious :) Anyway, I think the reading from Ezekiel speaks for itself- the day would come (and did) when the people of Israel would lose everything and everyone they loved and not have time to mourn their loss.

Moving on to the gospel reading, the question that the young rich man asked Jesus was interesting : what good thing must I do to gain eternal life? As in: how can I earn the right to enter Heaven? He should have known that no one earns the right to enter Heaven. God wants us in Heaven, i.e. be with Him for all eternity. That doesn't mean He allows sinful people in Heaven just because He loves them. And sin comes easily when we put something as more important than God. Even if that something is good like family and love. However if we put God first we don't break His laws and if we do we quickly come back to Him.


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